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Sunday 22 February 2015

Chris Matthews Admits: Obama’s Inaction Against Islamic State Is Morally Humiliating


You know things have really gotten out of hand when the man who once proclaimed that President Obama gave him “a thrill going up my leg” is criticizing America’s current plan to combat Islamic State terrorists.
That’s exactly what happened on Hardball Monday night, when Chris Matthews explained that under Obama’s current plan of having no plan, the United States is being “morally humiliated” by the terrorist organization.
He added that doing nothing to stop the slaughter of innocent people – such as the 21 Coptic Christians recently beheaded by the Islamic State – is flat-out “un-American” and “inhuman.”
Via Mediaite:
The ISIS slaughter of Egyptian Christians moved Chris Matthews to say tonight that the United States is being “morally humiliated” by this terrorist group. Matthews said the clear goal of capturing the beheadings on video is to stir anger, and admitted the U.S. really has no choice but to act.
After all, he said, doing nothing and moving on with our lives without taking strong action is not an option, because “the alternative is too sick, too un-American, too inhuman.”
Matthews also said that we can’t “act like America… is not being morally humiliated, because it is.” And America, he concluded, like it or not, has a responsibility and a moral authority to act.
Take a look at Matthews assessment below …

Will the President finally take action now that one of his most ardent media supporters is pleading for him to do so? Would continuing on this path of inaction mean that Obama, too, is un-American, inhuman, and morally bankrupt?
Tell us your thoughts below…


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