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Sunday 15 February 2015

Watch Norman Reedus open fan mail in his Walking Dead trailer

Walking Dead fans make their presence known with the record-shattering ratings the show pulls in each and every year. But they come out in force in other ways as well, and one of those ways is in the gifts they shower cast members with to show their appreciation. And nobody on the cast gets more fan mail than Norman Reedus. In fact, the sheer volume of incoming packages actually necessitated some changes in policy on the production end of the show. “They put restrictions on us getting mail sent to us because there was so much mail coming that it was taking up a lot of the people that work in the office’s time,” says Reedus. “It was too time consuming to deliver all of that and deal with all of that

Of course, love letters and the like still manage to get through to the star. “Every once in a while, I’ll get boxes from my manager and my agent,” says Reedus. After the man who plays Daryl Dixon gave us a private tour of his trailer, we asked him to open some fan mail so we could see what kind of packages and presents he receives

Watch Reedus open mail coming from places like Kentucky and Korea—successfully predicting the contents of one package, while not being sure as to what to think while opening another. What kind of stuff do fans send the star? Watch the video below to find out


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